
What is a loopback cable
What is a loopback cable

what is a loopback cable

Write_Status = GetCommState(comm, &dcbSerialParams) //retreives the current settingsĭcbSerialParams.BaudRate = CBR_57600 // Setting BaudRate = 9600ĭcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8 // Setting ByteSize = 8ĭcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT // Setting StopBits = 1ĭcbSerialParams. Timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1 ĭcbSerialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbSerialParams) Printf("opening serial port successful") 02.5 W (Power Consumption Option) Warranty: 500 times Cycles Learn More.

what is a loopback cable

GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, //Read/Write 05 dBm (Attenuation Option) For Switch, NIC self-testing.

what is a loopback cable

This is how I have created the code: #include This cable can be used to connect two T1 CSU/DSU (i.e.,TSU) products in a back-to-back configuration. Figure 3 shows the pinout for building a T1 crossover cable. This pinout is the same for both a RJ-45 plug and RJ-45 jack. Fiber Loopback is designed to provide a media of return path for a fiber optic signal, typically it is used for fiber optic testing applications or network restorations and it is absolutely an economical solution for a number of fiber optic test applications. I appears that the buffer size is not correct, or the data is not being retrieved from the Serial. Figure 2 shows the pinout for building a T1 loopback adapter. I'm having some problems when receiving the data. I'm trying to create a simple Serial communication in C.

What is a loopback cable